Handheld temperature checks are not sustainable for most organizations MyLobby has an APP-FOR-THAT

As organizations respond to the challenge of protecting against the spread of COVID-19, temperature checks upon entry are quickly becoming the norm and already being mandated in some States. A handheld infrared thermometer is not a sustainable solution for most organizations, as it is costly, time-consuming and does not fit with social distancing guidelines.

Free Digital Signage Content

Over the last decade, we have seen how digital signage has evolved. We have had a great pleasure to service large enterprise locations to small community channels. We have now understood the needs of these channels. One of the needs is the creation of content. Because of this, we have now developed Free Digital Signage Content for your company.

Wayfinding Application

It could be pretty frustrating entering a facility when you do not know where to ask or not knowing where to go, with no one around to ask. Sometimes, there’s a directory map available. This is often more confusing to find your destination. Today we’re so used to hitting a button on our smartphone to activate a GPS to know exactly where you’re going. For this problem, wayfinding kiosk application is an ideal solution to fix this problem although they’re often very expensive to implement. Recently, MyMedia implemented a Wayfinding solution in the North Toronto Community Center – Carefirst.

Digital Signage Kiosk

The pressure for retailers is growing from finding human resources in a tight job market to the government raising the minimum wage. In 2019 the Ontario government will be once again raising the minimum wage from the recent $14 per hour hike to $15 an hour which is almost a 30% increase from the rate in 2017 at $11.60. Many retailers have been scrambling as to what to do. Eventually, these increases are going to spread throughout Canada and US. In this article, I want to explore and initiate a conversation about the possibilities how digital signage kiosk for retailers can be incorporated to address these concerns.